文章来源: 黑黑黑黑2009-03-29 16:55:29



I wish I could be a tire

So I can roll myself down the street

I wish I could be a pancake

So I can be eaten into invisible

I wish I could be a medicine

So I can make people feel better

I wish I could be a sofa

So I could be sat on

I wish I could be a mummy

So I can scare people away

(What? Mommy 有这么可怕吗?! )

不是你这个 mommy, 是(两手平举作僵尸状)这个 mummy.


If you go to the sun too close

You will be burned like a toast

And you will fall down ouch ouch OUCH!


If you are mad, then I’m sad

I’m such a sad sad sado-‘lin

(What is sado-‘lin?)

Sado-‘lin is a sad person who’s sad all day.


The food you made is so delicious

I will eat eat eat ‘til I become a fat balloon


I need to watch Discovery Channel so I can become more scientist.

(?! 不通且不谈,明明知道他正处于一个月不准看电视的惩罚中 )


走在路上有些热了,于是脱掉外套。随口夸他一句: you look so handsome

他没有半秒钟停顿地接上—— I hope I always do.

( 晕S,这也太有明星风范了吧、、、 )