文章来源: Angelin2007-01-05 19:38:19

Today is Friday.

T said that he has talked with her and showed her the papers. He asked if she would sign the document. She asked if she can talk to her family first. So he reactivated the cell phone. She made phone calls to her family. He agreed to give her two more days to think it over.

T also mentioned that he would like to give her 10k to 15k as a remedy. I'm ok with the money, but I don't like he keeps any relationship in the future.

I left earlier because H is not feeling well. T called asking me to deal with P about the construction project. P will be back this Sunday. Hopefully P will take charge of this project. We really can not go to the site every day.

Today, X came and asked about A and said that it's been 8 years since the first time he saw me, he said that I haven't changed over this time, I know that is not true. From the face there might not be much changes, but I know my world has changed a lot, my mind has undergone turmoils.