文章来源: 99072006-12-30 22:03:39

When did the moon start to shine?

Is it human or is it divine?

Looking up into the dark sky

In my hands with a glass of wine

I wonder, in this Mid-Autum night,


There may be millions of years passed

There may be heavens up there

Where I may truly come from

I wish I can ride the wind through the air

And be home with you


Yet I have a fear

The mansions may be too glorious

Too high and too cold

I may have to dance with only my own shadows

Casted by the moon light

Everything may change on such a height


The moon is shining on the red-wood rails,

Through the window and on my sleepless veils

Oh dear moon, why are you so full and bright

When my lover is so far away tonight?


I wonder and I ponder

There are times for joys and times for tears

The moon may wax or wane

It is all nature

I wish, I only wish

You and I will enjoy each other for a long time

And we can always share our lives like

We share the beauty of the moon

? 把酒问青天。
不知天上宫阙 , 今夕是何年。
我欲乘风归去 , 惟恐琼楼玉宇 ,
起舞弄清影 , 何似在人间。
转朱阁 , 低绮户 , 照无眠。
不应有恨 , 何事偏向别时圆。
人有悲欢离合 , 月有阴晴圆缺 ,
但愿人长久 , 千里共婵娟