文章来源: 落花飘零2008-12-01 18:04:37

If I didn't care more than words can say
If I didn't care would I feel this way?
If this isn't love then why do I thrill?
And what makes my head go 'round and 'round
While my heart stands still?

If I didn't care would it be the same?
Would my ev'ry prayer begin and end with just your name?
And would I be sure that this is love beyond compare?
Would all this be true if I didn't care for you?

If I didn't care would it be the same?
Would my ev'ry prayer begin and end with just your name?
And would I be sure that this is love beyond compare?
Would all this be true if I didn't care for you?


确实很喜欢,以前也写过。这首歌总是不时地响起在我耳边。里面那个美丽的女主角,来自美国一个小镇,她最大的梦想就是成为一个名演员,她把自己的名字改成法国味十足的艺名,周旋在酒吧老板,电影公司少爷之间,期望得到一夜成名的角色。但是只有一个男人,那个坐在钢琴后的琴手,知道她真实的名字而仍然爱她,知道她灵魂深处的爱和悲伤。女主角不愿意放弃人生浮华,以为自己找到了真正的幸福,但是在那首If i didn't care的伴奏响起的时候,在他深情地注视下,才痛觉自己失去的是什么。看到这段的时候,女主角的挣扎,醒悟却又无力改变的痛苦,一点点一丝丝的融入在歌声里,让人不禁落泪。

这个世界,真是很滑稽的,功成名就能够为女人实现梦想的,往往不能成为soul mate,能够和那个女人卸尽铅华互相厮守的,却又往往无力为她撑出一片天空。