警示:别有用心之人以“加国对中国人的仇恨" 为题进行调查
文章来源: 2008-04-24 15:53:39
警示:别有用心之人以“加国对中国人的仇恨 为题进行调查

警示:最近还有别有用心之人以“加国对中国人的仇恨 为题进行调查, 望慎重,不要上当。

Original Message:

> Hi, just want to know how much hatred is there in canada towards the chinese? I\'m british chinese.

My brief answer:

It seems that your question is not a correct question, probably wrong question to ask.

Frankly speaking, most of Chinese Canadian loves Canada, they knew Canada as a peaceful country and helped Chinese to fight Japanese invasion during WWII.

Here is a peaceful world, people everywhere love peace, including you and me.

Everyone loves their homeland, hope their motherland peaceful forever, regardless British, Canadian and Chinese.

Unfortunately politicians and their biased media took and take every possibility to distort the truth, hid the truth, and mislead the world into a horrible war and terrorism.

This can be seen from history.

The newest story takes Iraq as an example. Who is the real murder and should be responsible for the ten thousands deaths in the region since US occupied Iraq in 2003?

I also send you one today’s news from newspaper I just read through.


West in cohort with Dalai Lama using Olympics
By Chung, Sibu

THE Dalai Lama’s actions appear to be directly opposite to what he preaches, especially his so-called non-violent approach to things Tibet and China. What we saw daily on television screens, CNN and BBC especially, were appalling, shocking and unacceptable.
It is tantamount to adulterating the Olympics with politics, in which Western interests like furthering an agenda that could stifle the rise of China or weaken its already strong economic and military position.
The series of carefully orchestrated and organised protests by Tibetan and pro-Tibet sympathisers show the West or the White countries to be in cohort with the Dalai Lama, the spiritual leader of Tibet. Many can see through it. What kind of a spiritual leader is the Dalai Lama going around with his bunch of activists begging for a living?
I read The Borneo Post world news pages everyday in addition to turning on the Astro channels. The whole Tibetan affair which has reached a global proportion, seems to have been whipped up by the Whites and of course gleefully participated by Tibetan activists and other jobless people around them. It is taking on an increasing anti-China rhetoric and violence just for the sake of being anti-China.
Even the CNN seems to be carried away. The BBC is a little more objective and fair on the coverage.
And, movie superstar Jackie Chan recently was interviewed by CNN and he spoke in defence of China, saying the protests, especially in Europe, San Francisco and Latin America, were unfair to China.
I don’t know what the Western countries make of the Dalai Lama and his government-in-exile who live on the donations of sympathetic donors. Why are they feeding him and his bunch of officials in northern India?
Economically, they are non-productive but a burden to many a society. Politically, they are fighting a lost cause, only having to depend on voices of agitation and support from here and there. To begin with, Tibet is an inalienable part of China.
The West including the US House Speaker Nancy and the EU countries like Austria and France and nearer home the Mandarin-speaking Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd talk about human rights, when they themselves are guilty of such ‘atrocities’ in their own backyards.
The US’ poor and discriminatory treatment of the Blacks and the many North American Indian tribes is an open secret; so is the Aussie treatment of the Aborigines, allowing them to live in squalid conditions, forcing their children away from parents and discriminating in anyway possible against these dark-coloured first Australians after having dislodged them from many parts of Australia.
If you go to Australia, you will see Canberra has poor human rights record. It was one of the early Australian Prime Ministers who nudged the US to nuke China at a time when Communists were advancing south into Vietnam and south into the Korean Peninsular.
For the Whites, angels they are; devils are they not? As for the Tibetan protests, I want to ask why now? It is an old issue. Why not wait till the Olympics are over? Why are they using the Olympic Games for a political cause? If Western leaders like Sarkozy want to boycott the Games, they are jeopardising the future Olympics as a sport event. China now finds too late that France is only interested in selling its planes and protecting job losses back home.
As Jackie Chan told off CNN, all those accusing China of human rights abuses are themselves committing ‘atrocities’ when it comes to basic rights of their own citizens.
The West never learn because they are ignorant. China is not a threat.