家里有青春期叛逆孩子的,建议看看电影The Last Song
文章来源: 夜半精灵2011-05-13 11:19:12
即将高中毕业的美少女维拉尼卡,从小受父亲的影响,喜爱钢琴,已经被茱莉亚学院录取,然而,自从父母几年前离婚,父亲离开家,搬回维吉尼亚故乡小岛定居后,她就常常有叛逆表现,而且一直不能原谅父亲,并不再弹钢琴了,甚至拒绝去上茱莉亚学院。暑期到来后,妈妈把她和弟弟送去岛上和父亲共度夏天,维拉尼卡的父亲是一位钢琴教师,并正在为当地教堂创作音乐。维拉尼卡在海边遇到了自己的初恋,慢慢与父亲有了交流,受了父亲的鼓励,她又重新坐回到钢琴前,为自己爱的人弹上一曲。父亲患了绝症,病榻上依然在坚持作曲,她守护着父亲,并帮助父亲完成了最后的美妙乐曲,当她坐在教堂里钢琴前,弹起父亲的遗作,很是让人动容。开学了,她终于走进了茱莉亚学院,如父亲母亲期望的那样。下面是主题曲《When I Look At You》Everybody needs inspirationEverybody needs a songBeautiful melody, when the nights aloneCause there is no guaranteeThat this life is easyWhen my world is falling apartwhen there is no light to break up the darkThat's when I look at youWhen the waves are flooding the shore and Ican't find my way home anymoreThat's when I look at youWhen I look at youI see forgiveness, I see the truthYou love me for who I amlike the stars hold the moonRight there where they belong and I knowI'm not alone