Learning from my little daughter
文章来源: 东坡居士2007-10-17 13:12:19

My little daughter Amy is five years old. She is a kindergartener.
I take care of Amy all the time. She is very cute and adorable. She is also very open and smart.
When we grow up, we lost a lot of precious characters possessed by kids. Acturally, those characters are very critical for our success.

I learned a lot from Amy.

1. To talk without any fear.
   As a kid, Amy does not have any fear of speaking. She could speak to anybody. She could express herself, her feelings and her desires freely to anybody. She speaks with her sincere needs and demands. This is a good character we have lost as an adult. I am learning to regain some of this boldness and sincerity back.

2. To speak in English
   English is my second language. I am still struggle with English pronunciations and expressions. Whenever I miss-pronunciated a word, Amy comes to correct it. I am playing her games to improve my pronunciation and to reduce my accent.

3. To play monkey Bar
Amy started to play monkey bar at 4 years old. Now she is a very skillful to do it. She is very proud of that and wants to show it to everybody. I think that I should be able to do it since a so little kids could do it so well. I tried and failed, tried and failed. With persistence, I finally could play monkey bars freely.

4. To play Hula Hup
Army learned to play Hula Hup several months ago. I remebered that she won her light-up Hula Hup about two months ago. Now she can play as many circles as she want. I could not count how many she can play. Now, I just count how long she could play. She could play as long as she could and until she was exausted. She could walk, jump, move the hula hup up and down along her torso. I thought that to play Hula Hup is a good exercise. I tried to play with it. It is so hard  at the beginning. However, with perserance, I succeeded again. I could play more than 50 rounds now. I will be able to play more than 100 rounds pretty soon.

Everyday after work, I pick up Amy from her school and play with her. It is very enjoying to see a little girl growing up and gaining knowledge and skills day by day.