Lesson 101: Love / being loved
文章来源: BWW2004-12-27 08:25:55
Love is to let the loved one win - when a couple is in conflict...

Is it simply winning? ... 

Love is such a complexed human emotion, it should be the central topic of the education, family and society.  Unfortunately none of us are "told" to love.

To teach kids, you need certificate. To love someone, we don't. To drive a car, we need to check our eye sight and physical capability (height, for example in China). To love, we don't. To go to university, we need to be checked to have the right background and appititute.

To love, we don't. WHY NOT?

Surely it's not because it is not important. Maybe it is because to love is a right God given to all of us? But to love in the right way in the humanly society, is a hugely ignored field. The consequences of wrong "love" are more damaging than AIDS and Drunkness caused combined...

May we have true "right" love to give" and "the reasons being loved are born with"?