Home Sweet Home
文章来源: 娃娃哈哈2008-07-26 23:01:24

When you are locked out of your house, you especially get to feel how much you miss and love your home.

This is the second time I did this.

I was trying to get the rubbish bin out for collection tomorrow morning. This is something usually R would do. I probably do it no more than 5 times a year. But today I have to do it since R is on his business trip.

God, things are hard when he is away!

I tried hard to pull out the rubbish bag from the bin indoor and put it into the big red-lid bin in the yard, and then dragged it to the back door.  The key to the backdoor broke when I was trying to twiste it. Then I looked at the bin and the broken key which is still in the lock, and it started to rain,  and I thought, well, what can be worse than this!

Ironically I found the answer myself when I locked myself out of the house trying to pull the bin from the garage door!


Stuck in the garage, I finally got to understand how lucky a small thing could make you when I found the garage control in the car-----------WHICH IS OPEN!

I got out, knocked at neighbour's door, asked for yellow page and phone, made the phone call.

30 minutes later, the lockmith who works on Sundays came and saved me from homelessness.

What a sweet home!