baby's food guide zt
文章来源: agu2005-02-07 20:41:53
Birth to 4 months: Breast Milk or Formula 4-5months Add: Infant Cereal(single Rice,Oats,Barley) 5-6months Add: Vegetables(Strained or Blended) 6-7months Add: Fruits(Strined or Blended),fruit Juices 7-8months Add: Meats(plain,strained),Hard-boiled egg yolk 2-3 times a week 8-9months Add: Other infant cereal,Cream of wheat,Peeled and mashed fruits and vegetables,Rice,Soft cheese,Crackers or zwieback 9-10months Add: Finger foods,Dry Cereal(unsweetened grain),Toast squares,Cooked vegetables,Peeled soft fruits,Chopped tender meats,Begin weaning from bottle 10-12months Add: Appropriate food from family table:Soft fruits&vegetables,Cereal and bread,Cooked dry beans,Tender meat,Poultry,Cheese One year: wean from bottle,Add: Whole egg,Fish 这个是我生BB的医院给的一个food guide,分享给这里的妈妈们,不是每个孩子都是按着这个进度加辅食的,所以各位妈妈还是根据宝宝的发育情况自己掌握,这个food guide可以做个参考.祝每位宝宝都健康成长.