Dreaming of You (怀念传奇歌手Selena)
文章来源: 一程歌2006-12-30 13:56:49

Dreaming of You (Selena)

第一次知道Selena是从一个Mexico朋友George那. 他总是在听Selena的歌. 当他告诉我"She was killed!!!"时, 那忧伤的眼神让我也从此爱上了这位传奇的拉丁女歌手.


碰巧的是, 那年不久后有一次, George开车不小心追尾, 我坐副驾驶位, 安全气囊开了, 我没事, 但有眼前一黑的感觉... 当时就想 "我靠, 原来要真走, 竟也如此容易... ", 几天前在快递里又看见圣牛兄分享他的震撼: 在办公室聊的好好的同事, 一小时后就心脏病发作, 不幸地离开了. 深有同感!

听Selena的歌, 总能唤起一种对生命存在的感恩. 人生的大道理有很多, 每天都想去把它搞清楚也太累了... 不如Enjoy what we have!!! 友情, 爱情, 亲情, 音乐... Whatever could make you happy!!! 不是珍惜生命中的每一天, 而是每一刻...

Late at night when all the world is sleeping
I'd stay up and think of you
And I'd wish on a star
That somewhere you are thinking of me too

Cuz I'm dreaming of you tonight
Till tomorrow, I'll be holding you tight
And there's nowhere in the world I'd rather be
Then here in my room,
Dreaming about you and me

Wonder if you even see me
And I wonder if you know I'm there
If you looked in my eyes
Would you see what's inside?
Would you even care?

I just wanna hold you close
But so far, all I have are dreams of you
So, I wait for the day and the courage to say
How much I love you(Yes, I do)

I'll be dreaming of you tonight
Till tomorrow, I'll be holding you tight
And there's nowhere in the world I'd rather be
Then here in my room,
Dreaming about you and me

Ahhh...I can't stop dreaming of you
Ahhh...I can't stop dreamin

Late at night when all the world is sleeping
I'd stay up and think of you
And I still can't believe that you came up to me
And said, "I love you; I love you too"

Now I'm dreaming with you tonight
Till tomorrow, and for all of my life
And there's nowhere in the world I'd rather be
Then here in my room,
Dreaming with you endlessly...

一程歌  于01/12/2007