文章来源: noel261236182007-06-24 05:47:07

赛龙舟如赛龙(dragon boat racing...dragon boat racing is like dragon racing :))

left side draw
right side push off
back it down
hold the boat
sit up
eyes forward
paddles up
ready ready
go go

dragon boat racing is like dragon racing, similar to horse racing (赛马) :),
but the dragon is propelled by men...:)

paddling the dragon boat is like dancing on the river....(Chinese river dance?)
just listening to the beat coming off the drum....
it is sooo deep..... and soooo decisive...
it is a call to arm....
it is a call to row....
it is a call to fight....fight to win....

rowing....rowing...more rowing....
team work...team work....more team work....

it is such sooo beautiful amazing experience....