文章来源: 豆腐渣的灿烂年华2014-12-09 20:08:29
我的工作与老人痴呆和病人家属有关,病人家属承受的压力之大, 如果有兴趣, 可以看看: https://caregiver.org/caregiver-health

一个很简单的个案, 美国, 93岁的老公(曾是政府官员)照顾92岁的太太(博士,医务人员),老太太痴呆,我和她呆了两小时,她重复告诉我21遍她的经历,问了我20遍我是谁


还有的病人, 一辈子是好人,病到后来性格发生很大变化, 拿起轮椅扔家人, 有的病人很狂躁, 打骂家人,幻觉幻听都可能

老人痴呆并非一日而成的, 也分阶段,

Nearly 15 million Americans provide unpaid care to a person living with Alzheimer's disease or another dementia (Alzheimer's Association 2011 Facts & Figures)

Alzheimer's disease is called a family disease, because the chronic stress of watching a loved one slowly decline affects everyone. An effective treatment will address the needs of the entire family.

见过不离不弃的, 也见过送养老院的,病人家属熬不过先走的也大有人在

无论家属如何选择, 都能理解