文章来源: MaryLiu-Brazil2009-11-07 18:35:26
Last Thursday morning, daddy was getting ready to go to work while Emma was finishing up dressing herself in our room.
Daddy said:"Now, I'm gonna give you a couple of goodbye kisses, andhave a nice day at school", and started kissing her on her cheeks,fingers and belly.

Maybe just 2 or 3 kisses later, Emma said: "Okay, daddy, that's enough."

我在旁边差点乐差了气。。。估计以后即使有男生想捧着她的脸说点甜言蜜语啥的,也得被她不耐烦的撵走.  性格阿,天生就注定了我们人生机遇的不同。