文章来源: 萧舒2007-02-14 10:57:48
今天是 Valentine’s Day,昨晚贝贝在厨房里忙活到半夜,烤蛋糕呀,cookie 什么的,今天带给同学朋友们,当然,也少不了给老妈做了一份。
也许是受了老橱娘我的影响,记不清从几岁起,宝宝和贝贝就开始在厨房里倒腾了。贝贝六岁那年,给她买了一个玩具烤箱做生日礼物。那是一个用一只 100W 的灯泡作热源的玩具小烤箱,只须往搭配在包装里的 cookie 粉里加点水,在小烤箱里烘烘干,就成 cookie 了。当贝贝无比自豪地将她有生以来第一次自己做的 cookies 端到爸爸妈妈和姐姐面前时,我们都开心地笑了起来。那年的母亲节,姐妹俩愣是抢在老妈起床之前,把她们为妈妈准备好的早餐端到妈妈的床头,“妈妈,今天是母亲节,我们伺候您。“ 哇!老妈我被感动的...... 此后,每到生日,圣诞节,母亲节等节日,她们都会想着法子给老妈一些惊喜。两个乖女儿,让老妈觉得好幸福哟。
去年母亲节我正在中国,收到宝宝的一份 e-mail,让我到她的博克里看看她给我写的东西。

14 May 2006

For Mommy.

Because it's Mother's Day, a day that really should be every day.

Because she bakes pizzas and cakes and makes sushi and bao zi, and because she made all of the Disney princess costumes for Halloween: Belle, Mulan, Snow White. Because she has so much wisdom to offer, if only I would give her the time. Because she does know what I'm feeling at times, even though I say she doesn't, and because she understands, and no one, no one else understands. Because she drives around town so I can laugh with my friends, even though gas prices are sky-high, literally. Because she stays up at night until I finish my homework and go to bed, so she can say "Night night, I love you." Because she endures heart-stopping roller coasters so she can be with her daughters. Because she's my friend, because she's there for me, because she loves me, because she's really the Best Mommy, ever, and I don't acknowledge it enough, at all.

I love you!
