文章来源: 飞熊2022-02-25 10:19:04

从这张英文标题 为“乌克兰准备好迎战俄罗斯占领基辅的企图”的照片看,俄罗斯军队一旦攻破基辅外围,很快就会占领基辅市区。我的直觉估计未来24到48小时。


Ukraine braced for Russian attempt to seize Kyiv | News | The Times


Russian battle plans to take Kyiv and force an early end to the war in Ukraine have been revealed by US intelligence, who say troops and armour would be used to capture airfields, before a force of 10,000 paratroopers would be flown in to capture the city, round up the government, and force them to sign a peace deal handing control of the country back to Russia