文章来源: 爱你如盐2010-04-14 18:54:03
foot:I have a foot to walk.

shook: Some one shook my hand to say thank you.

grew : He grew up tall and than me.

crook: I use a crook to fix thing.

toad: I saw a fat toad near me.

Easter 临近时,老师让每个学生拿2个白煮蛋画上图案,他像收集宝贝似的藏起来,几天之后,外婆怕给捂坏了,于是费了九牛二虎之力才找出来吃掉了,于是。。。。

gone:My egg is gone in kitchen.

sad: My egg is gone,so i am sad.


hug: My mom like to hug me.

kiss: My mom like to kiss my face.

new: My mom bought a new toy at the store.


threw: I threw a stick far away.

blew :I blew a leaf away at the road.

chew :I chew food on my plate.

good: I am a good student in class.