也评Slumdog Millionaire: 又一部以arising from adversity为主题的片子
文章来源: killara2009-02-09 15:29:51
又一部以arising from adversity为主题的片子

Biblical accounts of blessing arising from adversity differs from hero mythology of communism. Egalitarian is not meant to be the destiny.

Any clearer example than many overseas, low caste Indians' triumph over adversity? In their Odysseus in search of oasis? Or numerous examples in overseas Chinese' relentless Pursuit of happYness (一部以老黑arising from adversity为主题的片名)?

If the oasis is about getting elected as an American president, African Americans can now copy Obama's book. But if oasis is about being triumphant over economic adversity, they only need to take a leaf of our book.

Sitting on their hands and whinging about being disadvantaged don't "change" 人人躲避的黑人区. A slumdog has to take some initiative. I did. You did. Every Slumdog Millionaire did.

My rating:
(8 out of 10) for arising from low budget adversity!