文章来源: 冬晴2006-11-28 19:36:58
"The national flag of the People's Republic of China is red in color, rectangular in shape, with five stars. The proportion between the length and height of the flag is three to two. The five five-pointed yellow stars are located in the upper left corner. One of them, which is bigger, appears on the left, while the other four hem it in on the right. The big one represents the Communist Party of China and the four small ones the people of all ethnic groups of the country. One point of the big star points right up the flag and of the four small ones each has a point pointing towards the centre of the big star. The relationship between the stars means the great unity of the Chinese people under the leadership of the Communist Party of China. The red color of the flag symbolizes revolution; the stars take on the yellow color in order to bring out their brightness on the red ground.

      我们的国旗展示的更多的是政治,而不是文化. 相对我们,韩国的国旗则有文化色彩多了.旗中间的太阳代表造物主,四周的文字代表天,地,水,火. 天地相对,水火相对.体现出天地万物,一分为二的思想.其中的数学, 天地相加等于水火相加,体现出"万变不离其宗的思想". 这些东方的哲学令美国人叹而观止.