文章来源: 加州花坊2009-12-13 07:49:11
My beloved brothers and sisters:
Thank you so much for your prayers. God is good!
I went to my father-in-law's house tonight just to spend some time with him. We talked about Hai-Lin and what happened. I read Psalm 23 to him. I asked him if he believed in Jesus Christ. He just nodded his head with assurance (it seemed like he was ready all along) and I told him that we are sinners, and that only through Jesus Christ can we come to our Father. He kept nodding his head and accepted Jesus Christ as his savior. We prayed. As I was driving back home, my heart was filled with joy and praises.
我今天晚上到我公公的家里,就像跟他一起呆一会儿,我们谈到海琳和那天发生了什么事,我给他念了诗篇23章。我问他信不信夜宿,他就很确定地点头(好像他早就信了)。 我告诉她我们都是罪人,只有通过基督耶稣我可以到神那里去。他一直在点头并接受了耶稣作他的救主,我们一起做了祷告,当我开车回家的时候,我的心里充满了喜乐和赞美。

Psa 108:1 (大衛的詩歌。)神啊,我心堅定;我口(原文作榮耀)要唱詩歌頌!
Psa 108:2 琴瑟啊,你們當醒起!我自己要極早醒起!
Psa 108:3 耶和華啊,我要在萬民中稱謝你,在列邦中歌頌你!
Psa 108:4 因為,你的慈愛大過諸天;你的諏嵾_到穹蒼。
Psa 108:5 神啊,願你崇高過於諸天!願你的榮耀高過全地!
Psa 108:6 求你應允我們,用右手拯救我們,好叫你所親愛的人得救。

Praise the Lord! To God be the glory!

Love, Lois