文章来源: 爱花的猫咪2012-05-09 23:36:16























A garter snakes diet consists of anything from earthworms, to small salamanders or lizards, small fish, and occasionally small birds. Garter snakes also like to live in warm moist places. This makes your garden an ideal home for garter snakes. Most garter snakes tend to not bite a human, and can even be handled, but if one does choose to bite, they can cause mild swelling and itching.

Now, if you’ve figured out that you’re now dealing with a garter snake, you need to know how to get rid of it. There are several ways to rid your beautiful garden of garter snakes; let’s take a look at the top five recommended methods:

5 Ways to Get Rid of Garter Snakes

1. Keep your lawn trimmed. You should keep your lawn at about two inches or shorter. Garter snakes like to be hidden and this may deter them from taking up residence at your home. They also recommend placing boards along your fence line to deter visitors from your neighbor’s yards.

2. Shrubs and bushes make a great hiding place for garter snakes. You should remove bushes, particularly ones that tend to be real heavy and grow close to the ground. If your choose to have bushes or shrubs, choose ones that grow higher off the ground and keep them free of grass and mulch underneath.

3. Pest control is also a good method of getting rid of garter snakes. A garter snakes diet consists of just about everything from earthworms, insects and so on. So, an effective way to keep garter snakes at bay is to control these pests.

4. The use of mothballs can also be effective in getting rid of garter snakes. Available just about anywhere, mothballs surrounding your home can help you rid it of garter snakes. Mothballs are toxic to children so you must exercise extreme caution when using this method.

5. Simply catch and remove them. You must exercise caution here also. According to blogs on Yahoo Answers, you can use glue traps, most commonly used to catch small rodents to catch garter snakes. Then, simply relocate them far away from your home. Be sure to wear heavy work gloves if you choose this method as a bite can be very irritating.

Products for Getting Rid of Garter Snakes

There are also a lot of different products available at hardware and home improvement stores that are supposed to repel snakes. Most of these use chemicals, and even the ones that say they are all natural don’t seem to work. If the garter snakes don’t creep you out and you are able to live with them being in your yard, you can also just let them be. They do eat a lot of insects, and slugs which can be damaging to certain types of plants.

Seeing these “garden snakes”, as they are sometimes referred to, can cause quite a scare. They are not poisonous, but can cause an irritating bite. They can be useful in some aspects, but the majority of people want rid of them. These methods seem to be the best available. If you’re still not sure of how to get rid of garter snakes, you could always get yourself a cat. Children love the pets and they are a natural enemy to most varieties of “snake food”.

准备试一试第四种方法,樟脑丸。另外,最后那段也很有意思哦,“If you’re still not sure of how to get rid of garter snakes, you could always get yourself a cat. Children love the pets and they are a natural enemy to most varieties of “snake food”. 看来贝晶真是蛇的死对头呢!-完-.
