文章来源: 我生活着2010-08-23 16:05:25
Who knew that when you decided to keep fish you decided to become a scientist as well I have had to read so many books on fish keeping and its not one of those picture books. What you don’t believe me alright I’ll prove it did you know that a filter’s main job isn’t to remove dirt but to provide a home for friendly bacteria that eats ammonia, a toxin produced by your fish, then turns it into nitrate which is less harmful to your fish. It then gets eaten by more bacteria in your filter which turns it into nitrite. The nitrite then gets used as fertilizer for your plants. don’t forget to change 20% water though at least once a week. Yes it is very complicated and it will take a while to sink in. and that’s not all I’ve got a whole book on it do you want me to tell you about it. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. Hmm didn’t think so.