Beijing, Taipei, Hong Kong 2010 (2) (北京)
文章来源: xux2010-12-12 19:07:46
A must see in Beijing these days has to be the 2008 Olympic Venues.

1. Beijing Olympic torch building.

2. Beijing National Stadium, also known as the Bird's Nest.

3. Inside the Bird's Nest.

4. Inside the Bird's Nest.

5. Inside the Bird's Nest.

6. Beijing National Aquatics Center, also known as the Water Cube.

7. Inside the Water Cube.

8. The Bird's Nest again.

9. And the Water Cube.

Some more food pictures before we leave Beijing.
10. Chao Gan (炒肝).

11. Duck feet (鸭掌).

12. Duck gizzard (卤鸭胗).

13. Crystal Shrimp (水晶虾仁).

14. Beijing Roast Duck (北京烤鸭) from Da Dong Roast Duck Restaurant (北京大董).

This was the first time I ate at Da Dong Roast Duck Restaurant. I can see why foreign tourists like it better than Quan Ju De. It's cleaner, more modernly decorated, and the dishes were presented better. As for the taste, I couldn't say either one's was better than the other's. I was happy to eat at both places.

A side note, while we were eating at Da Dong, a waitress dropped a plate on the floor near us. As it was common in China that whoever broke something has to pay for it, I asked our waitress later if the poor girl had to pay for it, she said yes, and the plate cost over 100 Yuan, roughly a day's salary for them.

15. Duck blood, sheep stomach, and eel (毛血旺).

16. Chongqing spicy chicken (辣子鸡). This was the hottest dish Dave had during this trip. He couldn't feel his lip when eating it.

17. Shui zhu fish (水煮鱼). The picture doesn't do the bowl justice. There was a whole fish (~2.5 lbs) in the bowl, which was about the size of a small kitchen sink :)

(To be continued)