文章来源: 色大胆小2016-08-21 09:49:48


  1. 租车时,明明看好了是 不限里程。可有的公司之不限里程 (unlimited mileage),是有限制的。比如在多伦多租车,要开去魁北克,那么就不是不限里程,而是每天只有200公里免费里程, 超过每公里收费加币两毛。原因是魁北克与多伦多不在同一个省。

Geographical Restrictions / Mileage Limitations  For arriving airline passengers: Kilometers are unlimited when the vehicle remains in the renting Province. If traveling outside of the Province, free kilometers are restricted to 200 free per day, 1,400 per week, 4,000 per month (maximum) for rentals exceeding 3 weeks, and .20 cents CAD for each additional KM driven during your entire rental. . BORDER CROSSING: Vehicles entering the USA are subject to a border crossing fee of $12.95 CAD per day and kilometers are limited to 200 per day, 1.400 per week, 4,000 (maximum) for rentals exceeding 3 weeks, and .20 cents CAD for each additional KM driven during the entire rental.

  1. 保险。我在美国一般都是用信用卡租车,很大一个原因是信用卡公司可以负担一部分保险的费用,特别是如果自己的保险没有全险。如果去加拿大租车,有的公司会要求你出示保险证明,这个不是在美国的保险单据,而是要由你所在保险公司颁发的特殊证明,明确申明持有者在加拿大也受到在美国同样的保护。Proof of auto insurance is required. U.S. insurance firms will issue a Canadian insurance card, which should be obtained and carried prior to driving into Canada. 
