'love' and 'in-love'
文章来源: Mona2006-09-20 13:33:34
"Love" and "in-love" are two completely differentiated concepts that has been meddled and misunderstood by a lot of people. This creats problems and unneccessary heartaches.

"in-love" is the universal feeling that makes everybody wants to love, it burns the faint hearted, it quenches the thirsty ones, it is a justified obsession that brings out our worst. It is the infatuation that makes everyone feels young and restless, it is so intense that makes you feel there is no other day could ever be get through without the reciprocal passion from the other...

"Love" on the other hand, brings out the best in us. It is peaceful and non aggressive; often too subtle that it is just in the everyday's life. It can be boring, but it never quits; it can be hurt, but never give up.

"in-love" needs a cure, otherwise it normally left feelings of wrath and anger; "love" needs to be left alone, to enjoy the satisfaction and to reflect one's own. One has to be in-love to feel alive, and to love to be immortal...