文章来源: 2006-10-02 07:41:11

这里是我在网上找到的有关钱教授的简介。。。到底谁会是专家呢?祝好。来源: Servant 于 06-08-23 10:19:30

钱锟教授是生物学及进化论研究的专家。钱锟教授生于大陆、长于香港.1971年在加州大学尔湾分校 (University of California, Irvine) 取得海洋生物学博士学位,随后到加州理工学院 (California Institute of Technology) 环境工程系继续博士后研究;1973年开始受旧金山大学(University of San Francisco) 聘任为海洋生物学教授。两次被选担任生物系主任。现兼中美交流部主任,经常回中国讲学,并接受多所大学及医学院聘请为客座教授。他的研究兴趣包括动物生理、水产养殖及寒武纪动物大爆炸。


Paul K. Chien is Professor of Biology. He received his B.S. in both Biology and Chemistry from Chung Chi College, N.T., Hong Kong, and his Ph.D. from the University of California, Irvine. Prof. Chien is interested in the physiology and ecology of inter-tidal organisms. His research has involved the transport of amino acids and metal ions across cell membranes and the detoxification mechanisms of metal ions.


可是我转念一想,备不住人家钱专家太谦虚,不在网页上放这些。那好吧,既然是专家,论文总得发一发嘛!不能冤枉了人家。立刻去medline检索 Chien PK,以下是结果。天神有眼哪!这就是专家的水平?!?请注意我标出的impact factor (影响因子)。在纯生物学界,发影响因子在15以下的文章比制造垃圾还恶心。钱专家居然在影响因子为0.027的废纸刊物上的文章,真是闻所未闻哪!而且这区区六篇论文,哪一个和生物进化有关?



Pubmed search results for Chien PK

Items 1 - 6 of 6

1. Chen T, Li W, Schulz PJ, Furst A, Chien PK. Induction of peroxisome proliferation and increase of catalase activity in yeast, Candida albicans, by cadmium.
Biol Trace Elem Res. 1995 Nov;50(2):125-33. impact factor 0.868
PMID: 8605080 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
2. Li W, Chien PK, Furst A. Evaluation of three antidotes on arsenic toxicity in the common earthworm (Lumbricus terrestris).
J Appl Toxicol. 1994 May-Jun;14(3):181-3. Impact factor 1.850
PMID: 7521893 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
3. Nguyen QH, Chien PK. Cadmium uptake kinetics in human erythrocytes.
Biol Trace Elem Res. 1989 Nov;22(2):119-29. Impact factor 0.868
PMID: 2484233 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
4. Chien PK, Koopowitz H. Ultrastructure of nerve plexus in flatworms. III. The infra-epithelial nervous system.
Cell Tissue Res. 1977 Jan 20;176(3):335-47. Impact factor 2.383
PMID: 832301 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
5. Chien PK, Stephens GC, Healey PL. The role of ultrastructure and physiological differentiation of epithelia in amino acid uptake by the bloodworm, Glycera.
Biol Bull. 1972 Apr;142(2):219-35. No abstract available. Impact factor 0.027
PMID: 5021125 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
6. Johnson PT, Chien PK, Chapman FA. The coelomic elements of sea urchins (Strongylocentrotus). V. Ultrastructure of leukocytes exposed to bacteria.
J Invertebr Pathol. 1970 Nov;16(3):466-9. No abstract available. Impact factor 1.407
PMID: 5503469 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
