文章来源: 木兰木兰2007-04-17 16:50:42





2007年4 月19日


木兰来美国时间不算长,客居异国,每当有非常事件在这块土地上发生的时候,我的注意力首先不自觉地会跑到这个国家大众小众的第一反应上。然后感兴趣的是这第一反应和稍后尘埃落定以后的反应之间有什么不同,再有就是major network ,local network的声音和本人私底下接触到的老百姓嘴上说的心里暗想的有什么微妙差别。这样看来看去印象最深的一样东西是:political correctness. 有人说这是老美虚伪,木兰以为这正是多种族文化在同一屋檐下不断相互争斗融和的进步最好体现。至少到目前为止,这个国家的总体气氛是 sorrow, grief, and question. 想不出世界上有国家或地区在遇到类似事件的时候能自始有比这更平静理智的general mood (不能想象在中国,在韩国,在欧洲的许多国家,在阿拉博国家会怎样)。

读过一本书叫 “No Equal Justice". 书的开头是下面丘吉尔的一段话, 抄来与大家分享:

“The mood and temper of the public in regard to the treatment of crime and criminals is one of the most unfailing tests of the civilization of any country. A calm dispassionate recognition of the rights of the accused, and even of the convicted criminal, against the State-a constant heart-searching by all charged with the duty of punishment-a desire and eagerness to rehabilitate in the world of industry those who have paid their due in the hard coinage of punishment: tireless efforts towards discovery of curative and regenerative processes: unfailing faith that there is a treasure, if you can only find it, in the heart of every man. These are the symbols, which, in the treatment of crime and criminal, mark and measure the stored-up strength of a nation, and are sign and proof of the living virture in it.”