文章来源: 追求永生2020-11-27 21:33:19

A president's first 100 days show Americans how they'll govern and what issues they consider most pressing. In 2021, there's a long list of possible priorities for the incoming Biden-Harris administration. Which legislative goals would you like Joe Biden and Kamala Harris to address during their first 100 days in office? (Select no more than 3.)

Controlling COVID-19 
Protecting Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid
Promoting Democracy and Improving Foreign Relations 
Defending Reproductive Rights and Abortion Access
Enacting Gun Safety Measures
Defeating Voter Suppression
Combating Climate Change
Expanding Affordable Health Care
Increasing The Minimum Wage
Rebuilding Infrastructure
Reducing College Costs
Reuniting Migrant Families and Reforming Our Immigration System
Other: Restoring the traditional and conservative values US has held since its establishment