嘁哩喀喳, 我来打打你的假
文章来源: noMatter2007-01-31 09:41:10
1) 你不懂装懂, 偷换概念。 你说”信基督教越深的人群,离婚率越高“. 而事实上,Conservative Christian 是保守派基督教,不是"信得最深"基督教。The survey had nothing to do with the degree of faith, it's about the variation of the faith groups. 基本上是驴唇不对马嘴。

2) 你或不懂,或刻意混淆,统计意义上的相关性(correlation)和事件的因果(cause-effect relationship). To establish the cuase-effect relationship, you must successfully demonstate that other factors are _not_ contributing to the events. The survey specificially mentioned other factors might contribute to the higher divorce rate in the Bilbe Belt states since as marrying young, lower income (which contributes to unstability in family economic situation), etc etc. 但你彻底忽视。 如果是写论文,这样做是伪造数据。

3) 你不懂统计的局限性。 It can be very dangerous to apply inference from statistics if the sample data reflects different underlying phenomenons. For example, A person in North Carolina gets married at 18, had 3 kids, and got divorce and remarried at 35 becuase husband becames alcohoic. She adds 1 to the divorce column in the statistics. Meanwhile her sister moved to NYC, changes 20 partners at the same times and finanlly gets married and starts to have family at 38. There is no divorce. What conclusion can you make about the stability of their respective social life?


典型的片面,简单,浅显,绝对,概念化,情绪化的思维方式。 你还不能客观地,全面地,清晰地分析。

The authors of the suvery would feel insulted should they know you put your feet into their mouths and change a scientific survey to a gigantic intellecturely inferiori joke.

If you were in academia, you will be laughed out of the conference room.

If you were still in grad school, I'm not too optimistic if you can make it out of it unless you change your thinking.

If you already had your degree, I feel sorry for your school.

If nothing applies, don't bother. I have nothing against your person, I just can't stand you polluting the board with distorted arguments.


my words may be harsh, but all my intention is to change your thnking which I firmly belive will benefit your life to come. Just think this as a bitter medicine. Hope you get better.