Establish and Take Hold of the True Faith -- Get Back to the Com
文章来源: servantOfChrist2007-02-04 02:23:42

Establish and Take Hold of the True Faith -- Get Back to the Complete Truth in the Bible

As to many people, what are left in the Bible are only the two chapters in Rome and Galatians. The teachings of LORD Jesus Christ are only the few verses in John, and all the others are thrown away and can not be mentioned.

Whenever talking about to “do what is righteous”, some will confuse the concept indiscriminately right away, and set it against the faith. What is emphasized in all these letters repeatedly is that to “do what is righteous” is to do what is righteous through faith, and all the good deeds can only be done through faith. “To be holy” is by trusting in and relying on LORD and living in accordance with the Holy Spirit to be holy; to be one in Jesus Christ, doesn’t it need to rely on LORD more and completely?

Trusting in God is the basis of our relationship with God. Everyone admits that the promise of eternal life is for those who have true faith in God and for the true believers who hold this faith. However, this faith is absolutely not “once”, but is continuous and everlasting, can pass the temptations and tests, and even the trials of fire. As to those who admit the authority and the truth of the verses in the Bible, this point should be beyond doubt. This “faith” can not be frivolous, but is shown in doing what is good and righteous, and leading others to LORD. Note that, to do what is good and righteous and lead others to LORD, one must give all the praises and glories to LORD. Thus, it will completely silence those who even want to put doing what is righteous outside the faith.

All the promise of LORD about the eternal life are to those believers who have “true faith”. How to test whether a believer has the true faith or not? Here is again the simple example:

“A believer with true faith won’t ignore the beggar at the side of the road, for he is a brother of Jesus, or Jesus in disguise, LORD Jesus Christ is hungry, will you help? Where is your faith? ” Yes, those who listen to and obey the words of LORD have the eternal life. Do you obey His words? Do you still use this verse to support the article of faith that you will surely have the eternal life?

A believer with the true faith, will make his best to preach the Gospel, for it is the great mission given by LORD. …”

You believe in God, shouldn’t you believe that God is absolutely righteous and completely holy? If you want to get close to God to enter the eternal life, shouldn’t you make every effort to be holy, and worship the LORD in the splendor of His holiness?

Through faith to do what is good and righteous and lead others to LORD, is the display of the true faith. Otherwise, where is your faith? Doesn’t the scripture say: “You believe that there is one God. Good! Even the demons believe that and shudder.”.

To be one in Jesus Christ, is to truly trust in and rely on God completely and live the life of LORD; that is the display of the true faith. Faith without deeds is dead. The weak conducts show the weak faith. Those who do not make every effort to be holy do not have true faith. Without the true faith, how to mention the promise and guarantee of eternal life? Furthermore, some even want to change this faith into “once”, isn’t that ridiculous?

Let’s get back to the complete truth in the Bible. We should establish and take hold of our true faith in LORD, and let all the believers trust in LORD, do what is good an righteous through faith, make every effort to be holy and be one in LORD Jesus Christ, do what LORD Jesus Christ will do, and live the life of Jesus Christ.

This message is written and enlightened under the guidance and inspiration of the Holy Spirit. All thanks, praises, and glories be to God!

Attachment: A Letter to Reply a Christian Friend on the Website Who Holds the Saying of “Once Saved, Always Saved”:

Our faith must be shown on the good conducts.

If one claims to believe in God, he should not ignore a beggar on the side of road;

If one claims to believe in God, he should not speak impolitely to his parents;

If one claims to believe in God, he should not let go any chance of preaching Gospel;

If one claims to believe in God, he should not hold resentment in mind;

If one claims to believe in God, he should not have jealousy;

Have you been able to do all of these? Do you have the determination to do it?

If you haven’t do it, you need to look upon Jesus Christ, let the life of LORD Jesus Christ be in charge of you in your life, obey the Holy Spirit, make every effort to be holy and to be one in Jesus Christ.

This requires taking up the cross, and needs to pass the trials and sufferings, and are disliked by your old self. The old self of you wishes to have a nice dinner in the restaurant, while the new life of Holy Spirit wants you to save the money to help the poor, or donate to the church to do the work of God. Do you live in accordance with the sinful nature, or the Holy Spirit?

Will the saying of “Once Saved, Always Saved” give you the determination of crucifying your old self? If you do not deny yourself, how can you be called the disciple of LORD? God give us the new life, and expect us to recover the image created by God, which is the image of LORD Jesus Christ, have the full measure of Jesus Christ. If one is still the old self and the likeness of the old Adam, the new life given by God after the rebirth does not bear fruit, how can he guarantee to have the eternal life?