文章来源: 悟空孙2008-05-29 13:53:37


有记者问:美国“脸谱”网站上最近开设了温家宝总理的个人网页,非常受欢迎,支持者达 1.3 万多。你对此有何评论?


中国外交部对 FACEBOOK 一无所知?还谈什么外交国防?外交部知道而秦刚先生不知道?秦先生该下课了吧?

我们来看看 FACEBOOK 的家谱:

脸谱网自 2004 年 2 月在哈佛创建以来,以爆炸性的速度席卷全美大学,短短三年间已成为世界第七大最繁忙的互联网网站、美国第二大社交网站、全球第一大图片共享网站,去年 10 月刚签下微软三年两亿美元的广告单, 12 月初更是攒足了底气回绝了雅虎开价 16 亿美元的收购建议。 “嚣张”的脸谱网后面藏着一张似曾相识的脸——创始人兼首席执行官马克·佐克伯格, 22 岁,哈佛大学心理学系辍学生。从与室友“捣鼓”出一个哈佛校园网开始,他一发不可收拾。从东岸西行至硅谷创业,成为这个网络新贵的最大股东及最高决策者,被称为下一个“比尔·盖茨”。



答:我们注意到莎朗·斯通女士日前所发表的言论,也注意到她已经通过她的代理人就此事向中国人民道歉。 我们希望中国政府和人民的抗震救灾努力能得到国际社会充分的理解和支持。我们也希望演艺界人士多做有利于增进各国人民之间相互了解和友好感情的事情。


FACEBOOK 上出现了温家宝的个人网页不管怎么说都是一件值得高兴的事,而我们的外交部对此置若罔闻,对一个好莱坞艳星的言论却那么“注意”,岂不滑稽?



CIA uses Facebook, NSA wants social networking data- [ 翻译此页 BETA ]2007125 ... The CIA has a Facebook page. It invites students to apply for the National Clandestine Service. It has 2844 friends. Is this interesting? ...

Digg - Facebook's CIA ties Lumiras, on 10/12/2007, -0/+4While I think that people are spying on your Facebook profiles, those people are more than likely not the CIA or the FBI (first ...digg.com/security/Facebook_s_CIA_ties - 46k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this

CIA Gets in Your Face(book)Head to the CIA's Facebook page. By Chaddus Bruce. ... The Stories Behind All Those Brackets, Slashes, and Carets · Inside an FBI Computer Forensics Lab ...www.wired.com/news/technology/internet/0,72545-0.html - 45k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this

facebook data mining cia fbi Government Corporations internet ... - 8:58pm facebook data mining cia fbi Government Corporations internet. Facebook: Data Collection System for Governments and Corporations. (via www.chycho.com) ...you.presscue.com/taxonomy/term/410 - 14k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this

great heights: Facebook's CIA ties? - 9:25pm2 Oct 2005 ... Facebook's CIA ties? The Facebook.com: Big Brother with a Smile ... my CodePink alliegance is on FBI file, and that'd be enough to make e ... me heatherbonthemic.blogspot.com/2005/10/facebooks-cia-ties.html - 63k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this

CIA recruiting on Facebook « The D-Ring28 Jan 2007 ... Mashup reports that the CIA now has a page on Facebook, the popular social networking ... I have encouraged him to consider the fbi or cia. ...dring.wordpress.com/2007/01/28/cia-recruiting-on-facebook/ - 35k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this

CIA 'Launches Facebook For Spies' - MahaloLet us know if you've found additional quality links about CIA 'Launches Facebook For Spies' on Google, Del.icio.us, Digg or elsewhere, and we can expand ...www.mahalo.com/Cia_'launches_facebook_for_spies' - 17k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this

 facebook owned by cia? - On the internet - 9:24pmI heard a rumor that Facebook was owned by a part of the US government either CIA, FBI or NSA thats why they didnt sell it to a company who wanted to buy it ...forums.whirlpool.net.au/forum-replies-archive.cfm/921455.html - 51k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this