What a wonderful World 世界多美丽
文章来源: 北鹤2008-02-20 00:47:13

February 20, 2008



与女儿在不断争吵的过程中,在气恼,恩爱,愤怒,关怀,压制,和谐,反抗和充满爱心的气氛环境中成长。她上个星期周末对我讲了一句话,让我拍案惊喜,可称为经典之句:Daddy, sometimes I am really mad at you, but it does not mean that you are not my best friend! (爸爸,有时候我真的对你很生气,但是你仍然是我的最好的朋友!)嫉妒了吧, 嘿嘿!不过有时候我可是真的生气啊,真气死老爸了!这个小棉袄可是不好穿的呀。。。我有时候也在算计,嗯,还有十二年就可以把她踢出去了,哈哈!不过到时候可不会是我要踢她走,一定是她要自己飞走了的。。。


Hard Call by John McCain

是的,就是那个竞选总统的共和党候选人 John McCain。里面有很多精彩的故事,以后再补读后感。今天看到古巴的卡斯楚(Castro)让贤,让自己的余热给后来人温暖,继续呵护自己的祖国。他铮铮铁骨,对自己信仰的坚定和对祖国的忠诚,让我想起了这本书中讲到的一段描写为中东和平贡献一生的埃及的萨达特总统(Anwar Sadat)和以色列的贝京总理(Begin),在此引用这段以向Castro这位古巴老英雄致敬

Theirs was a pride derived from their faith in the causes they served. They both were in thrall to the histories of their nations, both proud of their contributions to their countries’ independence, both claiming the strongest attachment to their land as part of their personal identities and the historical identities of their civilization. They possessed the self-confidence of men who believed their every breath was drawn to defend and honor the civilizations they served. They were both brave men and self-assured. They could not be intimidated. They reacted poorly to threats. They had suffered sterner tests of their courage than most people ever face and survived more certain of their convictions and of the roles assigned to them by history.

They were warriors who unapologetically sanctioned violence in service to their causes. They had no bloodlust, but no doubts either over decisions they had made to make war, to sacrifice human life. They neither wanted to nor could have escaped the memories of their pasts. Both men had taken risks to fight for their countries, and both men perceived in the events of their time the moments when peace become possible and when it became their responsibility to take risks to achieve it.

All their actions, negotiations, wars were based on the fundamental bottom line:

Was it right for their people?

Crashing Through: A True Story of Risk, Adventure, and the Man Who Dared to See by Robert Kurson

这本书讲述一个从三岁就开始失明了43年的企业家如何面对生命中的种种挑战,再次开辟人生的另一风景的, 一个非常感人,令人振奋的真实故事。敢于冒风险的人自然可以看到他人看不到的风景, "To dare is to lose one's footing momentarily. Not to dare is to lose oneself." 

The Power of Story by Jim Loehr

天人合一的第一步,就是要把自己的思维和行为统一起来而达到和谐的整体。 It explains detail steps on how to talk the talk and walk the walk to improve self and the company. There are many very practical ways of executing plans in a company.

Blackwater: The Rise of the World's Most Powerful Mercenary Army


货币战争-抄写的美国版本,不过其中真真假假难以分辨,看起来像打麻药一样过瘾, 有很多阴谋论的精彩演绎。


What a wonderful world, just too little time---