文章来源: YY~.~2008-01-11 08:11:50


Some books would be more popular than the other

Just give them more choices, you would know.


For "The very hungry caterpillar", Doudou lovesthe way grandpa tells it:


一个洞,两个洞, 三个洞....


He also likes:

"Good night moon"

"If you give a pig a pancake"

“The baby blue cat who said no”

“Goodnight Blue” (Blue Clues the dog having a pajama party)

 (Recommended by CD)

“Badger’s fancy meal”

“My lucky day”


For Chinese story book; he was interested in:


Three little pigs


The King New Cloth


When he was younger around 1 year old, a shorter story suithim:

The lion and the mosquito



The classic stories still work.


Doudou is not interested in the "Busy Busy Town" and lost interest to"The very lonely firefly" very soon. Also, I think he does notunderstand the book "Love you forever". Me, on the other hand, almostdrop a tear when I read the poem on "Love you forever".