6W6D 没事在家休息
文章来源: 小花菜2006-07-13 13:42:48


本来还没什么感觉,读了几章 From Here to Maternity 的书以后,开始疑神疑鬼,身体有略微的不适,就觉得是怀孕的反应。除了礼拜二晚上大吃了一顿后,胃口好象一直都很糟糕。昨天量体重还降到131磅,有史以来最低。希望一切还正常吧。

刚才在网上查到的:Many miscarriages happen very early in the pregnancy, before a woman may know she is pregnant. One study found a total miscarriage of 12%, a study using very sensitive early pregnancy tests found that 25% of pregnancies are miscarried by the sixth week LMP. After the age of 35, the risk of miscarriage increases considerably: 1 in 5 or 6. After 40, the risk increases to 1 in 3, and after 45 it is 1 in 2.

1 in 4 pregnancies will end in a miscarriage.

50-60% of first trimester miscarriages and approximately 20% of second trimester miscarriages are due to some type of chromosomal abnormality.

If your first pregnancy ended in a miscarriage there is a 13% chance that you will have a miscarriage with your next pregnancy.

20-30% of women experience spotting during pregnancy, especially during the first trimester and 50% of those women will have a miscarriage.

75% chance of miscarriage within the 1 to 2 week of gestation.

10% chance of miscarriage within the 3 to 6 week of gestatoin. However, once the heartbeat is heard or seen the percentage of miscarriage decreases to approximately 5%.

25% chance of miscarriage within the 6 to 12 week of gestation.

好恐怖啊!一半的 conception 在头12周都会 mc 的。不过如果见到心跳,mc 的机会就降到 5%。:)





