文章来源: 凯茜Cathy2020-01-02 02:20:56

无聊时追电视剧, 恨自己没有will power,一定要看到结局才肯罢休,尽管很多时候早就没有了兴趣, 最后几集常常快进看完的。






"Marriage Story"


两个电影人,Nicole,Scarlett Johansson主演,Teen的时候就演戏出名了,后来有次去纽约时认识了男主人公Charlie,Adam Driver主演。组建了家庭两人有个toddler儿子。Nicole常常在Charlie的剧中扮演角色,Charlie有望进军百老汇。但是婚姻中的Nicole越来越不开心,觉得Charlie再也不Care Nicole的想法。两人最先为了儿子,想通过mediator协议离婚。但待Nicole去了LA,还是找了律师,和Charlie最终对簿公堂裁决儿子的监护权。





...We can accept an imperfect dad. Let's face it, the idea of a good father was only invented like 30 years ago. Before that, fathers were expected to be silent and absent and unreliable and selfish, and can all say we want them to be different. But on some basic level, we accept them. We love them for their fallibilities, but people absolutely don't accept those same failings in mothers. We don't accept it structurally and we don't accept it spiritually. Because the basis of our Judeo-Christian whatever is Mary, Mother of Jesus, and she's perfect. She's a virgin who gives birth, unwaveringly supports her child and holds his dead body when he's gone. And the dad isn't there. He didn't even do the fucking. God is in heaven. God is the father and God didn't show up. So, you have to be perfect, and Charlie can be a fuck up and it doesn't matter. You will always be held to a different, higher standard. And it's fucked up, but that's the way it is.




“The Terminal”


旧电影,喜剧片,2004年斯皮尔伯格导演,Tom Hanks, Catherine Zeta-Jones,Stanley Tucci主演,当年获了很多奖。假期里看没心没肺地开怀笑笑,Catherine这个空姐真是经典地美,当年看第一次时就印象深刻,这次难得在Netflix上播出又一次看过瘾了。懒得写情节了。乱说感想哦,努力做对自己负责的人,友善待人,常常心安理得!


“Steel Magnolia”




浓重的南方口音,南方的风俗习惯。只有女人出入的Hair Salon是这个小community八卦阵地,六个女人足足一台戏,个性不同的她们,心地善良,嬉笑哭泣各自的生活故事。

故事围绕着M'Lynn和女儿Shelby的故事。Shelby自小患有一型糖尿病,专科医生建议她不生育。她幸福地和英俊潇洒的律师结婚,本来说好领养孩子的她还是坚持有了儿子,但至此肾功能衰竭只能开始透析,妈妈M'Lynn自愿给女儿一个肾。最终还是排斥反应过世了。母女俩都是坚强的女人。Shelby说would rather have 30 mins of wonderful than a lifetime of nothing special。做妈妈的只能忍痛支持她,甚至捐献自己的肾脏。


Steel Magnolia, a woman posses the strength of the steel, yet the gentleness of a magnolia.




虽说这是一部chick flick,但拍的太经典,太完美了。


好电影看完总让我唏嘘不已,找背后的故事来读,原来是真实的故事,源于剧本作者的妹妹,妹妹过世后他无法自拔通过写作才开解他的悲哀愤怒。从百老汇到电影。Julia Roberts本片初出茅庐,和其他几位老前辈都演得太出色了。

