Get Well Poems 祝福朋友
文章来源: 苗青青2008-11-12 02:08:34

有一位好朋友最近生病在家, 想送她一些问候, 祝愿。
在网上搜了 几首 Get Well soon poems ,

这首诗很有信心: 朋友有力量,有勇气, 疾病很快就会好:
Hang In There

Hello, my friend; You’re on my mind,
Because you're somehow ailing,
But your response to any challenge
Has always been unfailing.

So I’m confident you’ll win again;
Hang in there, and you’ll see;
You’ll be back on top in no time,
Tackling life courageously.

By Joanna Fuchs

这首非常朴实, 真实, 能准确描述一种祝福的心愿。。。

Take It Easy

I am so sorry
to hear that you are ill.
Know that I am thinking of you often
and praying for your quick recovery.
Take it easy, rest,
and be kind to yourself,
and if there's anything you need,
call me first.
I miss you, care about you
and look forward to seeing you restored
to perfect health.

Get well soon.

By Joanna Fuchs

这首诗有一点儿小可怜儿的味道,口气像个孩子, 有点儿耍赖。。。

You Are Deeply Missed

Get well real fast, my friend,
That’s what I wish for you,
For while you’re sick you’re deeply missed,
So I am sad and blue.

So have some pity on me,
Don’t leave me in the dump.
Return to health real soon, my friend,
Or I will be a grump!

By Karl Fuchs

这首表达了珍惜的心意 , 俺拿来用合适:

When You're Not Here

When you are ill,
our sun goes under a cloud.
Your presence in our lives
is such a bright joy
that everything seems in shadow
when you're not here.
When you aren't feeling well,
we feel the lack
of your glowing energy
and contagious vitality.
When you are sick
we feel incomplete,
like a jigsaw puzzle
with a missing piece;
Please rest,
take good care of yourself,
and feel better.
We miss you
and want you back.

Get well soon.

By Joanna Fuchs

朋友, 祝你快快康复!