sometimes when we touch
文章来源: 丁丁1682006-07-23 11:36:02

cowrite and sing by Dan Hill --- canadian singer, Hey he was born in Toronto!

You ask me if I love you                  这个问题是诚实男人的最怕,女孩总喜欢听到确切的答复,在.....之后
and I choke on my reply                  男人犹豫了(女孩眼中期待的光芒逐渐黯淡)
I'd rather hurt you honestly            好男人心底自白,宁可提早说伤心真话,也不想欺骗单纯的姑娘
than mislead you with a lie               (不敢负责任的时候就早点斩断吧)
And who am I to judge you               啊可爱的姑娘,我现在还无法下结论(推堂一下先)
in what you say or do                       仅凭目前为止我看到听到你所说所做的一切
I'm only just beginning                     因为我们才刚刚开始认识,,,, (见面3次可以上床,但是
to see the real you                           要3个月后或更久才能了解清楚,你叫我如何保证未来.......)

And sometimes when we touch               有时候当亲密后
the honesty's too much                         你想要更多的坦诚答复(为什么你老是苦苦追问这个问题)
and I have to close my eyes and hide     我只好闭上眼睛回避你的目光
I want to hold you till I die                  我想抱着你到天荒地老(男人喜欢拥温香抱软玉)
till we both break down and cry            或者,到我们都心碎崩溃(分手如此痛苦但不忘最后的揩油)
I want to hold you till the fear in me subsides   希望拥抱能令到我心底的恐惧减低一些 (为什么看下面)

Romance and all it's strategy                表面的浪漫,暗地里确是我的策略手段(把你骗到手)
leaves me battling with my pride           我的良心不安,到底要不要告诉你我的真心(我们只是玩玩而已)
But through all the insecurity                虽然我不敢保证我们的未来
some tenderness survives                       但现在的我绝对对你是温柔的(保证现在而已,以后留一个美好回忆)
I'm just another writer                         我象是一个作家(故事写得很美但现实不存在)
still trapped within my truth                 喜欢做YY假故事让读者情不由己,自己也总是脑子里YY完美
A hesitant prize fighter                        或者只是一个年轻的拳击手/猎手而此刻面对胜利(品)犹豫了
still trapped within my youth                 (追你只是一时的冲动或是朋友间炫耀的资本)

And sometimes when we touch
the honesty's too much
and I have to close my eyes and hide
I want to hold you till I die
till we both break down and cry
I want to hold you till the fear in me subsides

At times I'd like to break you               有时候你真是让我伤痛欲绝
and drive you to your knees                   很想把你狠狠的掐倒(此处省NN字)
At times I'd like to break through         有时候我很想得寸进尺占更多便宜
and hold you endlessly                           永远的搂着你,for ever
At times I understand you                     有时候我好像读懂了你
and I know how hard you try                 我知道你心内也有矛盾(到底和我这不可靠的走到一起对不对)
I watched while love commands you        我看过你对我的爱与日俱增
and I've watched love pass you by         也看过你对我的爱随风逝去
At times I think we're drifters             有时候我想我们不过是人海里两个孤独的流荡者
still searching for a friend                   寻找一个朋友(异性亲密朋友only)
a brother or a sister                            象亲兄弟姐妹一般可以倾谈
but then the passion flares again           突然我们之间有一种莫名的感觉熊熊点燃(说不清是情还是欲)

And sometimes when we touch
the honesty's too much
and I have to close my eyes and hide
I want to hold ya till I die
till we both break down and cry
I want to hold you till the fear in me subsides