What's the New Year's Resolution For 2013?
文章来源: 纵然平行2013-01-01 14:13:47
What's The New Year's Resolution For 2013?

As  the showers of confetti  from the grand celebration party at Times Square began to be cleaned up by the sanitation crews and the champagne hangover I got at Four Seasons last night is still bothering me, I am actually  starting to wonder what  should be my new year's resolution(s) (btw, so should you.)

The truest answer is , at this headache point, I have no clue what should mine be. :((

People, I am stuck! If you  can help me out, please give me some good ideas to make me  a better, smarter, healthier or wealthier guy, whatever, I am all ears.:))

放上一首YX AJ 喜欢的歌曲- Drenched by 曲婉婷。一个有点声乐天赋亚籍男生的翻唱版,他人虽然长的不出众,但声音表现还算不弱。

让世界软资源重新组合并令人振奋的时空,说不定会带给国人带来前所未有的机遇,并且提供彰显风采的殿堂。Who knows。:)