谢谢你们来用餐!- 新奥尔良
文章来源: 夜未央2006-08-11 10:32:44

老公出差到新奥尔良,带回一张卡纸,上面是一封Thank you Letter. 我开始没在意,后来听说是吃饭的酒店给的,才觉得奇怪,仔细看完后,很受感动,全文如下:

"Did you know that you have just helped our effort to rebuild New Orleans?

By dining with us today, you're supporting numerous local farmers and fishermen whose incredible products make our cuisine so flavorful. After such a turbulent year, you're providing stability and support to our employees & their families, as many continue to rebuild homes or establish new residences. And finally, you're allowing us and other businesses to continue doing what we love in the city that is our home. For all this , we are grateful.

Your visit today has affected many lives and is playing a role in the recovery of New Orleans. Now more than ever, we appreciate the opportunity to serve you.

-Dickie Brennan, Steve Pettus & Lauren Brennan Brower"


