OSHO daily meditation -- Tomorrow
文章来源: 楼兰小雨2007-11-30 14:16:35
When you seek, the future is important, the goal is important. And when you don’t seek, the present moment is all there is. There is no future, so you cannot postpone – you cannot say, “tomorrow I will be happy.”Through tomorrow we destroy today; through the fictitious we destroy the real. So you say “Okay, if I’m sad today, there is nothing to be worried about – tomorrow I will be happy.” So today can be tolerated, you can bear it. But if there is no tomorrow and no future and nothing to seek for and fine, there is no way to postpone – the very postponement disappears. Then it is up to you to be happy or not to be happy. This moment, you have to decide. And I don’t think anybody is going to decide to be unhappy. Why?The past is no more, and the future is never going to be, so this is the moment. You can celebrate it: you can love, pray, you san sing, can dance, meditate, you can use it as you want. And the moment is so small that if you are not very alert it will slip out of your hands, it will be gone. So, to be, one have to be very alert. Doing needs no alertness; it is very mechanical. And don’t use the word wait – because that means the future has entered again from the back door. If you think that you should just wait, then again you are waiting for the future. There is nothing to wait for. Existence is as perfect this moment as it will ever be. It is never going to be more perfect.