文章来源: 元亨利2019-05-26 12:17:38

Bruce to Prince Kung. Has received first instalment of indemnity, sum of 500, 947.4 taels of silver, and has employed Chinese silversmiths to weigh the ingots. Chinese officials, who delivered the silver, ordered the silversmiths to keep quiet over ingots deficient in weight. Will issue formal receipt only after true weight of silver is ascertained.
然后1860年12月23日,恭亲王回信,对天津官员威胁检查赔款银锭的银匠表示遗憾,将派两名诚实的银商(silver mongers)从北京去与天津的主管(Magistrate,不知怎么翻译)张裕清(译音)一起检查银两:
Prince Kung to Bruce. Regrets that Tientsin officials have intimidated Chinese silversmiths employed to inspect the silver paid as indemnity. Will send two honest silver mongers from Peking to inspect silver in conjunction with Magistrate Chang Yü-ch'ingto Tientsin.
Bruce to Prince Kung. First instalment of indemnity is due on 9 Jan 1861. Requests that customs authorities at Canton, Ch'ao-chou, Amoy, Foochow, Ningpo and Shanghai be notified of this, that the money at Ch'ao-chou be transferred to Canton, that at Amoyto Foochow, and that at Ningpo to Shanghai, for delivery to British Consuls.
Prince Kung to Bruce. Agrees that money in small treaty ports should be transferred to major treaty ports for payment of indemnity; has notified authorities concerned.