文章来源: 虔谦2009-10-02 12:42:38

meilidezhongqiu.jpg picture by dudeeran535

October the 3rd of this year is Chinese Middle Autumn Festival (the 2nd biggest holiday of China). This is the day the moon is considered the biggest, brightest to be the symbol of peace and unity of families… The words on the picture say:

The moon rises from the ocean; the love ones, no matter where do they live – beginning of the sky or end of the earth – are sharing this same moment of beauty & peace.

Have a nice weekend everyone!

这幅画,  多简单:  从构图, 到色彩, 光线....
简单让人满足, 让人透彻,  让人超脱,  于是,  就还人应有的平安, 欢愉和美感

都知道财富和名誉不是永恒的,  寰宇有永恒的东西吗? 
我相信爱永恒;  爱不仅永恒, 她还使生命完满

中秋之际,  就让我借这幅美丽的和谐的图画,  祝自己也祝朋友们, 读者们, 网亲们,

中秋快乐,  吉祥如意,  阖家安康!

愿生活象这画面一样, 有着恒常的美丽和安详. 
中秋的明月告诉我们,  世界有圆满.....

(文字: 虔谦   图:  转自网络)

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