文章来源: 老梅子2006-05-27 12:08:45



Why do you sent me to the swimming class every summer?
Because I'm waiting.

Waiting what?

Waiting for you become a little mermaid.

But I can't, I'm sorry.

Why not, honey, everyone can do it, trust you, there is a wonderful world in the water, just try it.

女儿一步一回头的跟着老师下水了,我冲她举举大拇指,做了一个 Good Luck 的口型。这一次女儿终于开窍了,拿到一级通过的小牌子时,我们一起欢呼过。趁热打铁,那个夏天一口气从一级就游到了六级,女儿真的象个小人鱼一样可以在水里游的自由自在了。



Mommy, do you know little mermaid has tear, you can't see it because it's in the water.

Yes, I know. The little mermaid is the daughter of the sea, she must very brave and very strong ‘cause her hometown is in the ocean not the swimming pool.

But Mommy, the level seven is so hard.

Oh, I see. Try your best remember Mommy always beside you.
