Do Not You Forget
文章来源: 林贝卡2012-12-25 11:54:56

歌曲:Don't You Forget 演唱:ERA 

这首由新纪元(ERA)演唱的《Don't You Forget》,出自他们的专辑《The Mass》。歌曲初始,稚气的男孩和女孩的童音清晰对白,让你穿越连绵的时空隧道,沉静在纯真的童年岁月的氛围里:

Girl: Mom is sick. She says she can't get up.I know my brother is getting hungry. I must go to the village to ask for some food. Would you help me?
Boy:  Sure, Connie. I'll help ya.
Girl: I always feel good when you are with me?
Boy: You are my friend, Connie.
Girl: Are you always gonna be there when I grow up, are you?
Boy: Cross my heart.


Don't you forget Don't you forget about me?
We were soft and young in a world of innocence.
Don't you forget about me?Don't you forget all our dreams?
Now you've gone away, only emptyness remains.

《Don't You Forget》,整首歌,有伤感,歌背后,有故事。可谓是:“有一种情结,叫怀旧;有一种感动,因憨纯;有一种记忆,在梦田。”ERA揉进了震撼心搏的摇滚节奏,充满了明亮、强烈的节奏感, 而歌吟、和声则散发着飘渺柔和空灵的艺术效果,把这首歌推向了极致。

人们把爱尔兰天籁“Enya” 比为“庭院深深深几许”的婉约派, 把法国的ERA乐团喻为“惊涛拍岸,卷起千堆雪”的豪放派。ERA这个新世纪音乐团体,乐队的领衔人物是法国音乐家艾瑞克·拉维(Eric Lévi),融合了不同的乐风,散发着神秘、庄严、细腻、明快、气势磅礴的音乐。



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