实习医生格蕾(Grey's Anatomy)观感 一
文章来源: BeautyinAutumn2014-02-28 10:25:26





直到导演给我推荐了一部美国电视剧,我也不知道有多少集,反正糊里糊涂就跳了进去,一下子好几天连看了一百多集,呵呵呵,我竟然有些废寝忘食的,这部剧竟然这么吸引我!很多感想,无法完全理清,打电话的时候,就跟我曾是外科医生的父亲提起这部戏,没谈过瘾, 再跟将要学医的儿子聊这部剧,儿子却警告我:“妈妈,这部电视剧好长,要花很多时间看的!”是吗?我这才注意到自己已看了一百多集了,估计还有一半没看呢!我的老天啦!



Dear son, 亲爱的儿子, 

I am watching Grey's Anatomy, which Chinese movie director referred it to me for learning TV script writing skills. I am so getting into it because It seems that I see your future working environment there and sometimes I also feel that I can understand my dad, a surgeon’s life better


First of all, I was surprised to see there are seven years residence for surgical doctors, much longer than I thought before. Just like it was said in the movie: those seven years will be the best years of your life! 


Second, the work is so intense, that some of them failed at the beginning (the male resident doctor failed on his first try to do the surgery,he totally freaked out.  ) 


Third, you have to enjoy the work to appreciate it. The main female character (Meredith) went through with her training doctor for a brain surgery, after that operation, she was so high and satisfied with that, not only she started paying respect to her training doctor who happened slept with her before, but she paid a trip to see her mom, who used to be a famous surgeon,now living at elderly nursery home. 


I guess what I want to say to you is: son, you really need to find that passion which will lead you to the success and satisfaction of your career, then you will love and enjoy it, don't look at the money or monetary reward first. 


I will tell you more about my thoughts as I watch more episodes. Have you watched this TV series before? if not, please watch it in your spare times, we can exchange our thinking on it. How is that? 


I read your article about the super zip. Seems some negative on Mountain Lakes. So we can always hope to go back California someday, right? 


Love 爱你的

Mom 妈妈



Hi mom,嗨,妈妈,

I watched the first few episodes a few years ago, so I know generally what the show is about. It is very interesting in terms of how it depicts life as a doctor. But it definitely is a more dramatized version of reality.


Finding the passion to go through with the hell of residency is something I am on the way to doing. High salary is nice and justified after 8 years of school and several more years of residency, but that's not the reason why I'm doing this. Don't worry.


And yes, I would very much like to go back to California.


