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    #跟帖#  您没明白我的意思。公司是训练他们的工具和形式。他们自己开得起么,不能,所以父母给他们条件看到他们自己看不到的东西。 [投资理财] - borisg(0 bytes ) 2022-01-21
    #跟帖#  杨百万当年上过WSJ头版。不过现在不知所终了。。30年了。。大概挂了。。 [投资理财] - borisg(0 bytes ) 2022-01-21
    给孩子钱之我所见 [投资理财] - borisg(1826 bytes ) 2022-01-21
    #跟帖#  有得是醋。。 [投资理财] - borisg(0 bytes ) 2022-01-21
    #跟帖#  你以后有问题啊,每个孩子给几百万,人家就彻底躺倒了。不给么,也麻烦。 [投资理财] - borisg(0 bytes ) 2022-01-21
    #跟帖#  破区不值几个钱。。 [投资理财] - borisg(0 bytes ) 2022-01-21
    #跟帖#  我现在在做市。现在这个区域没几个房子在卖。 [投资理财] - borisg(194 bytes ) 2022-01-21
    #跟帖#  well, they still come back, so the nest is still there... [投资理财] - borisg(53 bytes ) 2022-01-21
    哈哈,昏睡。。别忘了老虎睡觉眼睛还睁一只的。。 [投资理财] - borisg(492 bytes ) 2022-01-21
    今晚体验一下退休SAMPLER。。。 [投资理财] - borisg(340 bytes ) 2022-01-20
    #跟帖#  The problem with sewer is [投资理财] - borisg(553 bytes ) 2022-01-20
    #跟帖#  PIA.. costs a lot... [投资理财] - borisg(104 bytes ) 2022-01-20
    冷天生存之绝窍。。。 [投资理财] - borisg(1009 bytes ) 2022-01-20
    #跟帖#  same lease all have to go, unless all agree to sign another leas [投资理财] - borisg(0 bytes ) 2022-01-20
    #跟帖#  age does not matter, condition does (same applies to people...) [投资理财] - borisg(0 bytes ) 2022-01-20
    #跟帖#  看图。。。 [投资理财] - borisg(210 bytes ) 2022-01-20
    #跟帖#  pretty cheap.. this year or 10 years ago... [投资理财] - borisg(0 bytes ) 2022-01-20
    #跟帖#  Ur right, repositioning...安能摧眉折腰事贵人,使我不得开心颜。。。哈哈哈。。 [投资理财] - borisg(0 bytes ) 2022-01-19
    #跟帖#  if you have 20 units you can self insure below 10000. [投资理财] - borisg(73 bytes ) 2022-01-19
    #跟帖#  average water damage claim is $10900 [投资理财] - borisg(68 bytes ) 2022-01-19
    #跟帖#  Agree. After COVID people will continue to go to city. [投资理财] - borisg(0 bytes ) 2022-01-19
    #跟帖#  10000 deductable? then you don't need it.. [投资理财] - borisg(0 bytes ) 2022-01-19
    #跟帖#  吼吼,在蓝州被坑一次是你运气不好,再去投奔第二个是脑子进H2O。。 [投资理财] - borisg(0 bytes ) 2022-01-19
    #跟帖#  薯爷的地盘。 [投资理财] - borisg(0 bytes ) 2022-01-19
    #跟帖#  几方面加起来,将来的收益和风险都比我十几年前开始的时候坏很多。何必做最后一个走的人。 [投资理财] - borisg(0 bytes ) 2022-01-19
    #跟帖#  SEC8每年要检查,现在检查的要求越来越高,很难通过,因为他们损害太厉害。 [投资理财] - borisg(0 bytes ) 2022-01-19
    #跟帖#  我这一般区租金比太低。蓝州税太高,做出租难以盈利。做破区效益好但是碰上现在就麻烦了。 [投资理财] - borisg(0 bytes ) 2022-01-19
    #跟帖#  现在都拖得很长,以前还凑合不用很久。而且法官里左派和贵人越来越多。我的律师都不想干了。 [投资理财] - borisg(0 bytes ) 2022-01-19
    #跟帖#  你那地方应该也够烂啊,大概贵人没那么多。。。 [投资理财] - borisg(0 bytes ) 2022-01-19
    #跟帖#  I got two that I have to evict first. [投资理财] - borisg(0 bytes ) 2022-01-19
    #跟帖#  我快快地走,不似我慢慢地来。卷一卷衣袖,带走所有的钱财。。 [投资理财] - borisg(0 bytes ) 2022-01-19
    #跟帖#  看相好的先卖。 [投资理财] - borisg(0 bytes ) 2022-01-19
    #跟帖#  横?有我横么。镇东城,镇西城,派出所全镇。。(套用朔爷老电影里的话),再横也顶不住政府庇护烂人。 [投资理财] - borisg(0 bytes ) 2022-01-19
    夜长梦多,出一个是一个。。。 [投资理财] - borisg(246 bytes ) 2022-01-19
    #跟帖#  how do you know it's an investor? Do you have to disclose that? [投资理财] - borisg(0 bytes ) 2022-01-19
    #跟帖#  these days you will be a fool to take ARM... [投资理财] - borisg(0 bytes ) 2022-01-19
    #跟帖#  不要吓人啊,他那个就是个1X8,15块钱。。。 [投资理财] - borisg(0 bytes ) 2022-01-19
    #跟帖#  u got to understand where the water is coming from first... [投资理财] - borisg(0 bytes ) 2022-01-19
    #跟帖#  狗训练好了很好玩,你做一个手势它会做一个动作。它也愿意跟你玩这些把戏。狗的眼睛永远溜溜地看着主人。 [投资理财] - borisg(0 bytes ) 2022-01-19
    #跟帖#  你口袋里带点DOGTREAT遛它几趟熟了就不咬你了。。。 [投资理财] - borisg(0 bytes ) 2022-01-19
    #跟帖#  黑人跟老墨太多,家庭收入低,人口虽然增加但是支付能力不足。 [投资理财] - borisg(0 bytes ) 2022-01-18
    #跟帖#  9 pallets of sod weights about 20000 pounds.. [投资理财] - borisg(0 bytes ) 2022-01-18
    #跟帖#  9 pallets = 4000 sqf, that's a lot of work. [投资理财] - borisg(0 bytes ) 2022-01-18
    #跟帖#  typically a binder of 1 million liabilities. [投资理财] - borisg(0 bytes ) 2022-01-18
    #跟帖#  去年有人60万买了现在80万卖你。。 [投资理财] - borisg(0 bytes ) 2022-01-18
    #跟帖#  is this the way you use to judge market? Give me another 10 exam [投资理财] - borisg(0 bytes ) 2022-01-18
    #跟帖#  how much increase in value each year (long term) [投资理财] - borisg(0 bytes ) 2022-01-18
    #跟帖#  要紧的就几行: [投资理财] - borisg(305 bytes ) 2022-01-18
    #跟帖#  你走树林就到水边了,有很多TRAIL。 [投资理财] - borisg(0 bytes ) 2022-01-17
    #跟帖#  pro forma? [投资理财] - borisg(0 bytes ) 2022-01-17
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