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    #跟帖#  Seems you had mastered swimming [美语世界] - 移花接木(0 bytes ) 2024-01-26
    #跟帖#  or meat pie? [美语世界] - 移花接木(0 bytes ) 2024-01-26
    #跟帖#  U never know what's coming down next time, landing gears or [美语世界] - 移花接木(0 bytes ) 2024-01-26
    #跟帖#  据说生产商怕美国大兵利用资源优势,用供给里的巧克力去泡妞就故意做的很难吃,但欧洲妞还是禁不住任何巧克力的诱惑 [美语世界] - 移花接木(0 bytes ) 2024-01-26
    #跟帖#  Does 'finder keeper, loser weeper' apply this time? [美语世界] - 移花接木(0 bytes ) 2024-01-26
    #跟帖#  Right! eating is the best remedy to cure loneliness [美语世界] - 移花接木(0 bytes ) 2024-01-26
    #跟帖#  coz with hotpot life is too good to fight [美语世界] - 移花接木(0 bytes ) 2024-01-26
    #跟帖#  nope, had the US tasted hotpot, they'd never want2 fight any [美语世界] - 移花接木(14 bytes ) 2024-01-26
    APAD: An army marches on its stomach [美语世界] - 移花接木(1805 bytes ) 2024-01-26
    #跟帖#  Beware hypothermia, [美语世界] - 移花接木(0 bytes ) 2024-01-26
    #跟帖#  If this is not the paradise, I can't think anywhere else [美语世界] - 移花接木(0 bytes ) 2024-01-26
    #跟帖#  那是他的无人机拍下的图像,未必是它的战果,这无人机扔个穿甲小炸弹消灭一辆装甲车或许能行 [美语世界] - 移花接木(0 bytes ) 2024-01-25
    #跟帖#  我刚才差点以为要告别文学城了,输入好几遍正确密码说我错 [美语世界] - 移花接木(0 bytes ) 2024-01-25
    #跟帖#  我明白了,你的视频是short, 文学城不认,短于1分钟的视频会被自动当作short [美语世界] - 移花接木(0 bytes ) 2024-01-25
    #跟帖#  文学城直接有youtube链接工具,其它网站需要拷贝整个embedded code [美语世界] - 移花接木(0 bytes ) 2024-01-25
    #跟帖#  文学城server 不保持视频,就是说你不能从电脑上传视频,只能外链,最简单的是youtube, [美语世界] - 移花接木(0 bytes ) 2024-01-25
    #跟帖#  而大规模要靠火炮,乌克兰是防守方,时不时用这东西干掉个别重要目标很奏效, [美语世界] - 移花接木(0 bytes ) 2024-01-25
    #跟帖#  I believe Ukraine is at upper hand.这种无人机只是电池动力,航时很短对点攻击效果好 [美语世界] - 移花接木(0 bytes ) 2024-01-25
    #跟帖#  grenade(s) + a thermal camera [美语世界] - 移花接木(351 bytes ) 2024-01-25
    #跟帖#  I don't know the truth. [美语世界] - 移花接木(0 bytes ) 2024-01-25
    #跟帖#  Pro-Western dominates the media, all news could be biased. [美语世界] - 移花接木(0 bytes ) 2024-01-25
    Cheap but lethally accurate weapon from Alibaba [美语世界] - 移花接木(4838 bytes ) 2024-01-25
    #跟帖#  missing punctuation [美语世界] - 移花接木(0 bytes ) 2024-01-25
    #跟帖#  claims its sovereignty [美语世界] - 移花接木(0 bytes ) 2024-01-25
    #跟帖#  That's Y Israel pushed Israeli settlement where Palestine cl [美语世界] - 移花接木(0 bytes ) 2024-01-25
    #跟帖#  如果出现了,肯定是有重大冤情 [美语世界] - 移花接木(0 bytes ) 2024-01-25
    #跟帖#  纯粹的军人如陈纳德,巴顿那样的人在战争结束后必定鸟尽弓藏。 [美语世界] - 移花接木(0 bytes ) 2024-01-25
    #跟帖#  只有懂得政治的军人才能适应时代的变化,典型的是艾森豪威尔,不论当秘书当盟军总司令当大学校长当美国总统,样样拿得起放得下 [美语世界] - 移花接木(0 bytes ) 2024-01-25
    #跟帖#  戴高乐的装甲战理论被德国人学习融会贯通,成就闪电战的理论基础,而法国人对他嗤之以鼻只想着防御建工事 [美语世界] - 移花接木(0 bytes ) 2024-01-25
    #跟帖#  好笑的是很多这些理论最后成就了敌人,英国人首创用舰载空军奇袭意大利塔兰托军港重创意大利舰队,给了山本灵感用航母偷袭珍珠港 [美语世界] - 移花接木(0 bytes ) 2024-01-25
    #跟帖#  可惜他比山本还沉不住气,日本直到1941年底才炸珍珠港, [美语世界] - 移花接木(0 bytes ) 2024-01-24
    #跟帖#  他一是预见空军的发展及作用,就如多年前那些预言AI,二是珍珠港的美军战略存在严重威胁日本的海上扩张 [美语世界] - 移花接木(0 bytes ) 2024-01-24
    #跟帖#  Great minds think alike, Mitchell与Yamamoto 想一块去了, 呵呵,其实作为战略家 [美语世界] - 移花接木(0 bytes ) 2024-01-24
    #跟帖#  当年的Lieutenant Colonel 军衔至General James Harold Doolittle96岁高龄 [美语世界] - 移花接木(42 bytes ) 2024-01-24
    #跟帖#  而且还冒着惊涛骇浪,这对珍珠港后美军的士气是极大的提升,最后这些轰炸机不得已改飞中国沿海耗尽燃油迫降,很多人被救 [美语世界] - 移花接木(0 bytes ) 2024-01-24
    #跟帖#  让B-25B一战成名,西方人真是不缺冒险家,杜立特竟敢冒险把陆基中型轰炸机从航空母舰小小甲板起飞去轰炸东京 [美语世界] - 移花接木(0 bytes ) 2024-01-24
    #跟帖#  My cup of tea!!! 彩色海报上的飞机是B-25B以Mitchell命名,Doolittle raid [美语世界] - 移花接木(0 bytes ) 2024-01-24
    #跟帖#  是的 [美语世界] - 移花接木(0 bytes ) 2024-01-24
    #跟帖#  回头见,我先去面壁去了,the 7 dwarfs came into my mind [美语世界] - 移花接木(0 bytes ) 2024-01-24
    #跟帖#  last night's storm brought tons of dump [美语世界] - 移花接木(0 bytes ) 2024-01-24
    #跟帖#  Comprehensive translation!!!!!!! [美语世界] - 移花接木(0 bytes ) 2024-01-24
    #跟帖#  and who are they? [美语世界] - 移花接木(0 bytes ) 2024-01-24
    #跟帖#  Paul lead both singings anyway/gad 2 c'em reunited @old age [美语世界] - 移花接木(0 bytes ) 2024-01-24
    #跟帖#  Really confuses me, just found 2 of their concerts live, [美语世界] - 移花接木(0 bytes ) 2024-01-24
    #跟帖#  Sure? I will check again, I thought always Paul Simon [美语世界] - 移花接木(0 bytes ) 2024-01-24
    #跟帖#  我说他自己单独发声,很难听出来 [美语世界] - 移花接木(0 bytes ) 2024-01-24
    #跟帖#  他们? 我从来没听到过Garfunkel 的声音 [美语世界] - 移花接木(0 bytes ) 2024-01-24
    #跟帖#  在一片和谐的叫好声中,专门唱反调儿 PPR=party pooper ,笑坦发明 [美语世界] - 移花接木(0 bytes ) 2024-01-24
    #跟帖#  Agreed, I think this is A->B condition, not [美语世界] - 移花接木(73 bytes ) 2024-01-24
    #跟帖#  +1, PPR, 我最近再唱sound of silence感到自己发声进步不用使劲挤了,Paul的发声还挺难学的 [美语世界] - 移花接木(0 bytes ) 2024-01-24
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