
古之所谓豪杰之士,必有过人之节。人情有所不能忍者,匹夫见辱,拔剑而起,挺身而斗,此不足为勇也。 天下有大勇者,卒然临之而不惊,无故加之而不怒;此其所挟持者甚大,而其志甚远也。 ——选自宋·苏轼《留侯论》


(2016-06-14 18:59:52) 下一个

19世纪美国音乐家John P. Ordway(1824–1880)作有一首歌曲【Dreaming of Home and Mother】(梦见家和母亲)。

Dreaming of Home and Mother.

Dreaming of home, dear old home.
Home of childhood and mother-
Oft when I wake 'tis sweet to find
I've been dreaming of home and mother.
Home, dear home, childhood's happy home!
When I played with sister and with brother
'Twas the sweetest joy when we did roam
Over hill and through dale with mother.

Sleep, balmy sleep, close mine eyes,
Keep me still thinking of mother-
Hark! It's her voice I seem to hear-
Yes, I'm dreaming of home und mother.
Angels come soothing me to rest,
I can feel their presence as none other,
For they sweetly say I shall be blest
With bright visions of home and mother.

Childhood has come, come again.
Sleeping I see my dear mother-
See her loved form beside me kneel,_
While I'm dreaming of home and mother.
Mother dear, whisper to me now,
Tell me of my sister and my brother-
Now I feel thy hand upon my brow-
Yes, I'm dreaming of home und mother.



更け行く秋の夜(よ) 旅の空の
わびしき思いに 一人悩む
g 恋しや故郷(ふるさと) 懐かし父母(ちちはは)
夢路にたどるは 故郷(さと)の家路
更け行く秋の夜 旅の空の
わびしき思いに 一人悩む

窓うつ嵐に 夢も破れ
遥(はる)けき彼方に 心迷う
恋しや故郷 懐かし父母
思いに浮かぶは 杜(もり)の梢(こずえ)
窓うつ嵐に 夢も破れ
遥けき彼方に 心迷う

1904年【旅愁】发表后,在日本被广泛流传。1905年至1910年,李叔同留学日本,故接触到了【旅愁】,后来创作了【送别】。 歌词和【Dreaming of Home and Mother】完全不一样,但和John P. Ordway的另外一首【Home Delights】歌词有相似之处。

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