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Noonan and the Garbage Man

(2016-03-21 16:00:06) 下一个

Peggy Noonan asked in her WSJ (op-ed of 3/19-20, 2016) "Will the GOP Break Apart or Evolve?" In typical Noonan fashion of being paid by the word, she manages to cover one-half  page and still could not answer her own question - another tree wasted. Instead, she pivots to discuss Donald Trump and relies on what she considers extensive research that was comprised of talking to an Uber driver a month ago, someone at Nancy Reagan's funeral and other unnamed sources who concluded that Trump is "at least potentially fascist and probably racist." She adds that others see him as "bigoted."  

She then goes on to label those who support him as "rough and wild -anti-Semitic, racist." She observes that, "America is an imperfect country populated by imperfect people (who are perfect people she fails to define - those who wanted Jeb?), but there would be a reason Mr. Trump draws the particular kind of garbage he draws."   So in Noonan's eyes those who support Trump are "garbage."

Based on her description of this garbage, at Trump events we should expect to see the KKK in their white sheets, numerous Confederate flags being displayed, people wearing swastika arm bands, David Duke placards, and  the "Holocaust was a fake" signs.  Obviously this garbage is mainly comprised of the great unwashed, trailer park trash and not even up to the standard of being  "low informed voters."

While I am not a Trump supporter, I know many friends who are, mainly and understandably frustrated at the inept Republican leaders like McConnell, Boehner and now Ryan who were afraid of their own shadows and being called racists if they opposed the half-white president. In our neighborhood we do not live in trailers and there are no used pickup trucks on blocks in our front yards. We can even afford to have Noonan's WSJ rag delivered each morning to read what the elite and establishment have to say - which is not that much these days. It does come in useful in wrapping garbage however as with Noonan 's ignorant insight the WSJ is fast becoming fish wrap.

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