
雪中梅 (热门博主)
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  He did not remember when he had first started to talk aloud when he was by himself. He had sung when he was by himself in the old days and he had sung at night sometimes when he was alone steering on his watch in the smacks or in the turtle boats. He had probably started to talk aloud, when alone, when the boy had left. But he did not remember. when he and the boy fished together they usually spoke only when it was necessary. They talked at night or when they were storm-bound by bad weather. It was considered a virtue not to talk unnecessarily at sea and the old man had always considered it so and respected it. But now he said his thoughts aloud many times since there was no one that they could annoy.


  I worked the deep wells for a week and did nothing, he thought . Today I'll work out where the schools of bonito and albacore are and may there will be a big one with them.


  Before it was really light he had his baits out and was drifting with the current. One bait was down forty fathoms. The second was at seventy-five and the third and fourth were down in the blue water at one hundred and one hundred and twenty-five fathoms. Each bait hung head down with the shank of the hook inside the bait fish, tied and sewed solid and all the projecting part of the hook, the curve and the point, was covered with fresh sardines. Each sardine was hooked through both eyes so that they made a half-garland on the projecting steel. There was not part of hook that a great fish could feel which was not sweet smelling and good tasting.



  He was happy feeling the gental pulling and then he felt something hard and unbelievably heavy. It was the weight of the fish and he let the line slip down, down, down, unrolling off the first of the two reserve coils. As it went down , slipping lightly through the old man's fingers, he still could feel the great weight, though the pressure of his thumb and finger were almost imperceptible.




smack: 捕鱼的小船

Virtue: 操守

Bonito: 鲣鱼

Albacore: 青花鱼科的海产鱼

Fathom: 噚:英美制计量水深的单位,一噚是六英尺,合1.828米,现写作‘英寻’

hook: 鱼钩

Garland: 花环。(half--garland--半圈)

Imperceptible: 感觉不到的




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阅读 ()评论 (10)
雪中梅 回复 悄悄话 回复 'Meander001' 的评论 : 欢迎光临和留言,平安是福。
Meander001 回复 悄悄话 欣赏!平安是福!
雪中梅 回复 悄悄话 过完腊八,就要过年了,祝大家猪年快乐平安健康幸福。
雪中梅 回复 悄悄话 回复 '菲儿天地' 的评论 : 哪里,在翻译后还要对照中译本改正不足的地方。读的很慢,有生词,还有语法上的问题等等。欢迎光临和留言,平安是福。
菲儿天地 回复 悄悄话 大赞雪中梅如此认真的读书,翻译得真是太好了,我也再读一遍!
雪中梅 回复 悄悄话 回复 '多伦多橄榄树' 的评论 : 是啊,可是他的太太早就过世了,只有邻居的小男孩常常光顾他。所以在他最孤独的时候,他总是会想起邻居小男孩。他教孩子打鱼,孩子也很感激他。平安是福。
雪中梅 回复 悄悄话 回复 '多伦多橄榄树' 的评论 : 是的很孤独,欢迎光临和留言,平安是福。
多伦多橄榄树 回复 悄悄话 他若有儿女为他养老就好了
多伦多橄榄树 回复 悄悄话 写得很美的书,感觉老人有点孤独!
雪中梅 回复 悄悄话 Unroll:展开(由卷曲状态)